The Past and Stuff is a casual and sometimes irreverent history podcast by Ashley Bozian and Tracey Cooper. It has been called "geeky and occasionally gory." Expect the unexpected, wry comments, and terrible jokes.

Blog: The Spider Grandmother in Native American Mythology

(Coming Soon)

The Skull and Brain Endocast of Taung Child: Most Significant Discovery of the Twentieth Century?

Listen to Episode 14

Blog: Mad Honey and the Poisoner King (Coming Soon)

Blog: Why is Earl Grey Tea called Earl Grey?

The World’s Oldest Tea

Episode 10

Blog: One Glorious Tile at the Topkapi Palace

Love Letter from Roxelana to Suleyman the Magnificent Reveals Affection of the Slave become Queen: Episode 5

Evidence of Necromancy in a Late Roman/Early Byzantine Context in Te’Omim Cave in Israel: Episode 5

Female Masking in Sixteenth Century England, Paris and Venice: Elites and Sex Workers: Episode 4

Egyptian Perfume Bottle: Doesn’t Everyone Want to Smell Nice?Episode 4

. Skull of the Razboinichya canid indicating sampling location for 14C AMS dating (black arrow)..

The earliest dog skull – 33,500 years ago humans were domesticating their best friend and dogs was domesticating theirs: Episode 3


Woman headed birds on a Ukrainian Woman’s Temple Pendant from the Period of Kyivan Rus’ – and a bad-ass woman’s revenge: Episode 3

Where the past is stuff and stuff is past