Material Culture, Microhistory and Mayhem. The Past and Stuff is a casual and irreverent podcast by Dr. Ashley Bozian and Dr. Tracey Cooper. Each week we challenge each other to identify an historical object, and then discuss what it can tell us as a unique window on the past. Expect an unexpected mesh of connections and terrible jokes, as a two very serious academics (not!), one a Armenian-American millennial and the other a British Gen Xer, have too much fun while trying to understand each other and the history of the world.

Show Notes Episode 19: Kreepy Krampus and Two Non-Voodoo Dolls (Part 2)

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Tracey’s Stuff in the News: 

Janis Jibrin, “Ultra Processed Food isn’t Just bad for your health – it messes with your mind,” National Geographic, November 22, 2023.

Meryl Davies Landau, “No food or medicine can do what olive oil can do. Here’s Why,” National Geographic November 6, 2023

Ashley’s Stuff in the News:
Mary Hoogasian and Bedross Der Matossian, “The Armenian Community in Jerusalem Faces an Existential Threat,” Armenian Weekly, November 16, 2023,
Elis Gjevori, “East Jerusalem: Israeli Settlers Seek to Take Over Armenian Quarter by Force,” Middle East Eye, November 16, 2023,
Crispian Balmer, “Jerusalem Christians Rally around Armenian Church over Land Deal,” Reuters, November 19, 2023,
“‘We Won’t Leave’: Armenians in Jerusalem Push Back against Armed Settlers,” Al Jazeera, November 24, 2023,

Tracey’s Piece of Stuff:

David Frankfurter  ““Voodoo Doll”: Implications and Offense of a Taxonomic Category.” Arethusa 53, no. 1 (2020): 43-58.

David Frankenfurter, “Female Figurines in Early Christian Egypt: Reconstructing Lost Practices and Meanings,” Material Religion 11.2, 190-22.

Natalie Armitage, “European and African Figural Magic: The Beginnings of the Voodoo Doll Myth,” in The Materiality of Magic: An Artifactual Investigation into Ritual Practices and Popular Beliefs, eds. Ceri Houlbrook and Natalie Armitage (Oxford, 2015), 185-212.

Alisa Lagamma, “The Recently Acquired Kongo Mangaaka Figure,” Metropolitan Museum Journal 43 (2008): 201-210.

Alisa Lagamma, Kongo: Power and Majesty (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015).

Ashley’s Piece of Stuff:
Becky Little, “Meet Krampus, the Christmas Devil Who Punishes Naughty Children,” History Channel, December 18, 2020,
Amy Tikkanen, “Krampus,” Encyclopedia Britannica, October 20, 2023,
Tanya Basu, “Who is Krampus? Explaining the Horrific Christmas Beast,” National Geographic, December 5, 2018,
Rachel Nuwer, “In Germany, Santa’s Sidekick is a Cloven-Hooved, Child-Whipping Demon,” Smithsonian Magazine, December 20, 2013,

Also referenced: 
Kessler, David. The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite. New York, NY: Rodale Books, 2009.
Mehta, Deepa (dir). Earth. New York, NY: Zeitgeist Films, 1998.

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